theraflu $4.99
theraflu $4.99
theraflu $4.99
fusion power razor $8.99
st. ives elements cleanser $4.99
alka seltzer plus cold $4.99
pencil $.20
pencil $.20
pencil $.39 (thats the last time i buy the "blossom" design pencil!)
subtotal $34.73
used coupons:
-$2 Theraflu medicine products 10-19 S
-$2 Theraflu medicine products 10-19 S
-$2 Theraflu medicine products 10-19 S
-$4 Gillette Fusion Razor, any P & G 9/28/08
-$2.50 st. ives elements (insert coupon? i didn't get these but my mom did... thanks mom! if you don't have it the $2 printable is almost as good!)
=$22.23 + $1.27 tax (used $18 rr, $5.50 on wags gc)
$4 rr for fusion power razor (10/19 - 10/25)
$8 rr for theraflu (10/19 - 10/25)
$5 rr for st. ives elements (10/19 - 10/25)
$5 rr for alka seltzer plus cold (10/19 - 10/25)
will receive:
$2.99 for mir Theraflu Warming Relief up to $6.99 SS 10/19/08
spent $18 rr + $5.50 on gc
received $22 rr
will receive $2.99 mir
profit: $1.49 ♥
♥ if you wanted to do this deal on 10/24 or 10/25, you could also use the $5 off $20 for another $5 in profit :)